My Creative Outlets
I love flexing my creative side whenever I get the chance. First time doing these things, and I look forward to doing more of it and watching my progress!
Hand Carved Maraca

I’ve recently gotten into wood carving! I really dig it. I made this as a gift – a maraca customized with their school mascot.I’ve recently gotten into wood carving! I really dig it. I made this as a gift – a maraca customized with their school mascot.
Painted Apple Box

I designed this apple box as a tribute to my mother, the original sci-fi nerd in my family. The little girl is her, pointing to the sky and wishing on a shooting star, dreaming of space adventures.
Engraved Star Trek Wafter

Another wood carving in progress – a customized wafter dedicated to one of my favorite shows, Star Trek.
Painting Faux Wood

First time building a mini-flat. After watching a woodgrain faux finishing tool be used, I got to try it myself to paint my flat. My results weren’t bad!
Crafting Alien Tech

The first pic: getting messy with latex to make a giant alien pod! It was so gooey and messy, I loved it!
The second pic: my carving into a block of foam to make the outer edge of a spaceship. It created a lot more fuzz than you might expect! I definitely learned to keep a running shopvac on deck.
Recreating Famous Props

A few shots of my recreations of the paper props from the Back to the Future franchise – one of my favorite franchises! The Save the Clock Tower flier and the Western Union letter and map from Doc from 1885.