About Me...
Hi there!
My name is Nicole, and I’m sort of a Jack-of-All-Trades.

I’m a Special Effects Technician. I’m a Business Analyst. I’m a Writer. And an Artist.
I’m a graduate of the amazing Georgia Film Academy program that helps folks outside the industry find a way to get in. My focus was Special Effects and Construction. I helped build a set in class, and then interned as an SPFX tech. After finishing the program, I focused on Special Effects as my path, and I hit the ground running as an Effects Tech. Every day on set I’m amazed at how wide-ranging special effects is! As my mentor explained, generally speaking, if it moves and it’s not an actor or a stunt, it’s special effects. And no 2 days are the same! It’s pretty awesome.
Prior to that, I was a Senior Business Analyst. I was really good at breaking down data and finding patterns. I got to flex my analytical chops, and my LinkedIn tells a little bit about my skill there. But what I really loved about that job was helping people. I enjoy connecting with people anyway, and in handling some of the most challenging accounts, I often got to connect with clients to help transition their accounts from stressful to functional, running smooth. I loved being able to see that I made a real difference.
I’m a writer and an artist. I’ve been writing since I was a kid. I love the idea of creating a whole new world out of thin air using nothing but your mind. In fact, one of the coolest things about working in the film industry is getting to see the world that’s created on the page get turned into a physical world on screen. Getting to learn and be a part of that process first hand has been incredibly eye-opening and really inspiring for me as a writer. Other ways I flex my creative muscle? Photography, Wood Carving and Painting. Anything I can do to create using my hands.
Now for the fun stuff: I’m a tattoo aficionado! I LOVE them and even designed mine! I also love music and can name almost every song on “Name That Tune” shows within 2 seconds. But my superpower talent that I want y’all to know about is that, if you show me how to do something once, I can copy you with X-Men-like abilities… but maybe a little less accurate (because I’m a newbie)! But I’m not afraid to try. And I love to learn.

Thanks for stopping by and learning a little about me! Hang out a while and check out the rest of my site via the menu at the top of this page or reach out to me via the contact box below.
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